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- Special Services | Refire Coaching
Services DESIGN WITH PURPOSE One-on-One Coaching Utilizing a customized and focused approach, we work together with intentionality to excavate from the past, cultivate the present, and propel into the future by discerning key elements that create capacity in order for you to determine direction to fulfill your unique purpose, engage your God-given talents and gifts, and access your full potential while challenging you to break through barriers of limiting beliefs and scarcity mentality and giving you the courage to forge a path to take the action steps with confidence and hope. Three-Hour Seminar Seminars provide an engaging Intro to Your Design to better understand the process and identify your unique attributes through time-tested methods that position you to discover where your passions can be used with impact and to leverage your strengths and steward your DESIGN to direct your daily decisions, both personally and professionally. Seminars build a foundation for you to actively observe and clarify where your strengths and passions intersect and how to be more intentional about creating your life to align with your values. Six-Week Workshop Workshops are fun and collaborative 2-hour sessions where small groups doing life together enjoy walking this path of discovery together, whereas in a team setting, we create a common vocabulary to provide team cohesion to integrate more effective utilization of each team member by understanding each person's strengths and passions as they share common concerns, goals, hopes, and dreams. Workshops build on these DESIGN principles as it pertains to the team with the potential to create opportunities for solutions to emerge as each member has more insight into their own DESIGN as well as others. EMBER Your One Degree for Young Women (20s-30s) is essential as you transition from home, school, and/or college so that you can start strong and step into the next season of your life with more informed decision-making skills and greater confidence. EMBER provides you with clarity of who YOU are and creates a sacred space to own your uniqueness which is your SUPER POWER as you move into your next adventure with clarity, confidence, and competence. Becoming the woman you were created to be allows you to live a life that has your signature on it and provides an authentic pathway to purpose that will empower you as you live out your life from this point forward because you will have a solid foundation of your strengths, gifts, talents, and passions that are part of your beautiful story! FLAME Your One Degree for Solo Women provides additional insights for you as you discover God's unique DESIGN for your journey. You may be single and loving it or single and seeking marriage. Maybe you're a single mom or suddenly single due to divorce or loss of a spouse. And even happily married, but carrying a solo load in this season of marriage. Through Your One Degree, you will gain a clearer understanding and deeper appreciation of your DESIGN so that you can live a more focused, fulfilling, balanced, and impacting life. In a world that tends to couple up, you will explore how you can better align your activities and passions with your values. God is not surprised that you are in this season and He has uniquely designed you to walk out His purposes in your life. As a single woman, your identity is not based on your singleness, but on who you were created to BE as you fulfill your calling by the works that you DO as you become the best version of YOU! ILLUMINATE Your One Degree for Senior Women (60s-70s) provides additional insights for you as a woman who knows you still have a contribution to make and a desire to make a difference today and leave a legacy for the future. By taking the Your One Degree journey, you will create a plan by lovingly cherishing and remembering the beauty in your life as well as the challenging seasons that made you who you are and transforming those experiences into a plan to finish well in the years ahead. By diving into the process, you will have a template for writing your personal memoir and sharing the blessings of your life story with your children and grandchildren. If you think it might be "too late" to make a great impact in this season, I encourage you to explore what Your One Degree has to offer and I invite you to take the YOD journey! PIVOTAL PINK SERIES Coming Soon PIVOT Becoming a Triple Threat PACE Learning Sacred Rhythms PAUSE Creating Margin and Resilience Embrace Your Path to Purpose BE who you were created to BE , DO what you are called to DO , and become the very best version of YOU ! Start Now
- About Me | Refire Coaching
L eigh A nnJackson Empowerment Coach for Women in Transition Certified Your One Degree Coach Discovery Coach for Faith-Driven Women YOD Seminar Facilitator Teams/Employee En gagement YOD Workshop Facilitator Life Groups LA ~ you r re f i r e ment advisor My re f i r e Story About me ~ My journey combines being a lifelong learner, athlete, educator, leader, mentor, and coach with continued professional and coaching education to speak, teach, coach, and facilitate transformative workshops. There is great value in coaching and mentoring women on their personal path to purpose. Becoming the best version of YOU is so worth it! My passion is rooted in leadership training with the foundational belief that leading self well by first keeping promises to yourself, winning private victories, and stewarding your design intentionally will lead not only to success but to greater significance. My coaching focus for you is through the lens of starting strong, being honest with yourself, staying intentional, pivoting when required, discerning what is important, bringing value, serving joyfully, and finishing well. I aspire to help people realize the untapped potential within by focusing on discovering their unique God-given purpose and stepping into their calling with clarity, confidence, and freedom. My Why ~ Like many, I have had my own personal struggles and life challenges as well as making poor choices in the past, so I know what it's like to need to realign with truth and get back on track with the vision that God has for me. Successfully navigating those minefields and addressing the less than desirable attributes of my own negative tendencies and patterns is part of what I bring to this coaching experience. But more so, it was being in a very successful season of leading and growing that led me to know that there was "something more" that God wanted me to accomplish which is what led me beyond mentoring into the coaching realm. I believe that having clarity of purpose and embracing who you are as a whole person is imperative for each of us to successfully navigate our journey. Understanding how you were uniquely created allows you to cast a vision and set a direction with purpose. This coaching provides a sacred space to work through a trustworthy process for you to do just that which will expand your circle of influence today and in the future to make a positive impact. There is great joy in challenging people to put action into their aha moments! This proven coach-driven approach creates a better understanding of how to leverage and steward your life by design which will empower you to make impactful life choices with intentionality as you live your life ON purpose, WITH purpose, and FOR purpose! I invest in those who are ~ aspiring to be faithful in the little things as they prepare for the next big thing driven to align their God-given talents, gifts, and strengths with their purpose willing to invest in themselves with their time, energy, and resources to do the hard work prepared to pivot into the next adventure with renewed confidence and personal freedom We Work Together ~ We meet 4 hours a month (1 hour once a week or 2 hours every other week) to create a sacred space where you have the opportunity to discover your DESIGN as you were created which builds confidence and hope as you ask questions like ~ What's my purpose? What's my 'why'? What's next for me? How do I get there? Is it too late? And my heartfelt question to you ~ If not now, when? I Believe ~ For we are God's masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. ~ Ephesians 2:10 The pathway to purpose is a lovely journey worth taking! What will you do this year that changes your life?
- Contact | Refire Coaching
Contact me ~ today! Are you ready to discover your purpose? Are you ready to step into your calling with confidence? What will you do this year that changes your life? I'm here to help you move your story forward ~ Let me help you re f i r e ! Let's Chat ~ Complimentary Connection Call First Name Last Name Email (required) Message (share your thoughts) Cell Phone (requested)* Send Thanks for submitting!
- About You | Refire Coaching
re f i r e might be for y ou if... you don't have time or money to waste on the latest get-it-together fad and looking for a proven process that uniquely identifies your strengths, talents, and purpose you are seeking meaningful life change in the midst of transitions, but unsure about the future, stuck in a holding pattern, overwhelmed with busyness or paralyzed by fear you desire to discover you r purpose and confidently walk with courage to move your story forward with clarity, focus, joy, impact, authenticity, and freedom you thought you knew all of the answers, but now you aren't quite sure what the right questions to ask yourself might be as you navigate this challenging season you are smart, sassy, and successful, but life is hard and you desire a safe space with a guide who will allow you to think out loud as you gain confidence and competence why I m ay be the coach for you... My calling is to walk with you to discover how uniquely you were created and equip you to leverage and steward your unique purpose and design My focus is to help you strengthen your resolve and hone your skills to work within your calling to accomplish the work you were created to fulfill My desire is to point you to truth, empower you to be brave, and equip you to be bold, so you can confidently pursue and live out your dreams My hope is that within this coaching experience you will embrace the multifaceted nature of who you are and reflect your inner beauty My goal is for you to realize that your past does not define you and that there is still ink in the pen to write yourself as the hero/heroine in your story I invite you to allow me the privilege to walk alongside and work with you if you believe..... you were meant for something more, but need clarity and accountability to be focused and intentional as you develop strategies to pivot you desire to be aligned with God's will for your life, but need a gentle, yet firm ally who understands the present struggle you want to live an authentic life with freedom, contentment, and joy in the everyday routine, but need a guide to help with vision you are ready to move your story from just making a living to making a life and creating a more purposeful plan that leaves a legacy you know there must be a better way and you are ready to find clarity, face fears, build strengths, remove limiting beliefs, embrace your beauty, and restore hope r e f i r e coaching is NOT a cookie-cutter program. It is NOT a plan to reinvent yourself. It is a call to rediscovery! It is all about YOU! It is my utmost hope that this coaching will serve as a starting point of inspiration if you think you are not enough, that your probl ems are too much, that it is too late to make an impact, or that you have lost your way, but too embarrassed to ask for direction to get on track. If this resonates with YOU, this may be the " something more " you have been looking for that uniquely focuses on you becoming the best version of YOU! " You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." ~ C.S. Lewis Let’s Work Together so you can start planning for your next adventure! First Name Last Name Email (required) Cell Phone (requested)* Message Let's Chat! Thanks for submitting!
- Home | Refire Coaching
Curate your life by DESIGN , not by default Align with truth so your choices reflect your values Experience freedom by becomi ng the best version of you LIVE your one and only LIFE ON purpose, WITH purpose, and FOR purpose. Discover your unique purpose re f i r e coaching L eigh A nn Jackson Empowerment Coach for Women In Transition Certified Your O ne Degree Coach Discovery Coach for Faith-Driven Women Your One Degree Facilitator for Teams Int ernational Christian Coaching Institute Member Mis s io n Providing a safe space for you to find clarity regarding your unique purpose as you transition into your next adventure! Start Now re f i r e might be just right for you if.... Read More r e f i r e coaching is NOT a cookie-cutter program. It is NOT a plan to reinvent yourself. It is a call to rediscovery! It's all about what God has for YOU! " You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." ~ C.S. Lewis Welcome to r e f i r e L eigh A n n Jackson Empowerment Coach for Women In Transition Discovery Coach for F aith-Driven Women Certified Your One Degree Coach Your One Degree Facilitator for Teams International Christian Coaching Institute Member L A ~ your r e f i r e men t Advisor A Bit About Me Services DESIGN WITH PURPOSE Your One Degree is all about empowering you with laser-like focus through a coach-driven process that can help boost your understanding of what makes your DESIGN unique by providing the insight, perspective, direction, accountability, and encouragement you need as you develop strategies to leverage your strengths, talents, and gifts in alignment with your passions and purpose and empowering you to step boldly into your next season with clarity, confidence, and competence by embracing the freedom that comes from becoming the best version of YOU! One-on-One Coaching XX View More Three-Hour Seminar View More Six-Week Workshop View More Specialty Services EMBER View More FLAME View More ILLUMINATE View More PIVOTAL PINK SERIES Coming Soon PIVOT Becoming a Triple Threat PACE Learning Sacred Rhythms PAUSE Creating Margin and Resilience Such absolute gratitude comes from building a coaching business from personal referrals and professional recommendations and w hat joy it brings to be allowed the privilege to walk the pathway to purpose with each person. See what some people have shared about their coaching experience... Blessings ~ Leigh Ann Leigh Ann is an ideal coach if you want an encourager to help you uncover new opportunities. With the Your One Degree process, I am more confident about my abilities and believe God created me for a purpose and has equipped me to fulfill it. Discovering my unique design has provided great insight into my next season. Cathy S. Contact L eigh A nn Jackson Empowerment Coach for Women in Transition Discovery Coach for Faith-Dri ven Women Certified Your One Degree Coa ch Your One Degree Facilitator for Teams International Christian Coaching Institute Member L A ~ your r e f i r e ment Advis or It's my utmost hope that this coaching will serve as a starting point of inspiration if you think you are not enough, that your problems are too much, that it is too late to make an impact, or that you have lost your way, but too embarrassed to ask for direction to get back on track. If that is you, I believe this empowering and challenging journey may be the " something more " you have been looking for that uniquely focuses on you becoming who you were created to be ~ the very best version of YOU! Are you ready to ~ * discover your purpose? * le ver age your strengths? * step into your calling? * live your life by design? * curate a life worth living? * gain clarity for life change? What will you do this year that changes your life? I'm here to help you move your story forward! Let's re f i r e ! Contact I'm ready to take the next step to re f i r e please send more information First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting! Subscribe to Receive E xclusive re f i r e Newsletter Enter your email here Sign Up Thanks for submitting!